《员工考核与薪酬管理实用必备全书》一书,是专门为企业部门管理者及主管人员撰写的员工考核与薪酬管理工作手册,兼具指导性和实用性。书中涵盖员工考核制度、绩效管理制度、薪酬管理制度、员工培训与职业发展等方面内容,分别从管理制度、流程、表格等角度,规范常用的操作流程,为企业管理者提供兼具针对性、实用性与操作性的管理方案,集知识、技能、工具于一体,是一套案头必备的实用管理全书。(The book, A Practical and Necessary Pandect of Employee Assessment and Salary Management, is a manual of employee assessment and salary management specially written for department managers and executives of enterprises, and is both instructive and practical. This book covers the content of aspects, such as employee assessment system, performance management system, salary management system, employee training and vocational development, standardizes common operation procedures from the perspective of management system, procedures and forms, and provides enterprise managers with targeted, practical and operational management schemes. It integrates knowledge, skills and tools in one and is a set of necessary and practical management books on people’s desks. )